Equality of Responsibility in the Age of Obama

Obama did an amazing thing when he was elected President. He removed a final barrier that held back a people for generations upon generations. I’m talking about the American people. Now, I don’t want my conservative friends to think I went and switched sides. This isn’t about Obama’s policies, just that there was an ideal that was reached, and, now we can begin to process it as a nation. A black President of the United States of America marked the culmination of decades of civil rights protests. Any American can say that they have an equal shot at the prize. This is the point that we can begin to grow beyond affirmative action.

We are fortunate to find ourselves in the opportunity of having reached “Equality of Responsibility”. It is my term for the national consciousness that happened with this election. We are now charged equally with the responsibility of governing our country. With this charge comes an opportunity to educate the masses on the role of civics in our lives. To elect a president is one thing. To help govern a country is something completely different. That is the threshold that we are at. We have to charge those that helped bring us to this new era to become equally responsible in their accountability for governance. This opportunity for a shared experience is where conservatives can make our mark. Personal beliefs of how or why he was elected aside, it was a great moment in history.

Many of my black friends voted for Obama because of color. They either didn’t know his message, or, didn’t care. I know, because, I asked them. Many felt there was a chance to rally around a man that represented the final shackle of slavery being buried. The last great battle in the war for equality in civil right was won on election night. As the luster of the moment finally begins to wane, people will begin to listen to the message. It is already happening. They will and are seeing the results. They will make their own decisions, and, we must seize upon this opportunity to educate.

The stigma of race differences has held America in a choke hold for too long. When Obama shattered that last glass ceiling, he provided a chance to level the playing field once and for all. Discrimination and reverse discrimination, both the same exact thing, can begin to heal in its wound that has divided our nation for far too long. It won’t happen overnight. It will takes more generations before it is complete, but, it will happen. We just can’t allow it to influence elections. We just can’t afford to allow elections to be decided over skin color.

I believe that everyone is a conservative, deep down where the pocket book matters. I came up with a test that I sent out on twitter:

~This is a test to see if you are conservative or liberal, It is only a test… Gimme $5.

~If you would like to send me $5, you are a liberal. I accept payment at Paypal…

~If you did not send me $5, you are a conservative, and, don’t want to waste your money.

Granted, it was as loaded question, and wouldn’t hold light under the scrutiny of scientific observation, but, it expressed my sentiments. No one wants to waste money. Every one of us realizes how important each dollar that we have is. Waste in government is unacceptable, and, we can make that one of our strongest selling points. True conservatives won’t waste, but, we have to hold the holders of office accountable. True change in government will come with imposition of congressional pay and term limits. Civic duty is a responsibility, and, shouldn’t be a career. Alas, that is for another blog.

This fiscal responsibility will be a topic that we can challenge the left on. Americans are already taking to the streets, and, we’re only a few trillion into the wasting. As the tap of money continues to spew forth, more and more of the taxpayers will revolt. It will be hard to stomach, but, the only way we are going to get through this is by tightening our belts and working hard to get out. It is the only way anyone gets out of debt.

Obama will receive many second chances from the people that he entranced. It should be expected. I excused Bush’s occasional gaffes, because, I liked him. Meanwhile, my left-leaning friends went nuts and proclaimed Karl Rove the Anti-Christ. I didn’t care when they were going into convulsive fits. I often relished in seeing them writhe and spit. The same is going on right now. It makes for a communication barrier. There was no way I was going to listen to anyone that completely freaked out when the subject came up, however, I did have many good discussions with people that kept their game face and challenged me to think and defend my values.

That is the opportunity that presents itself to us now. Those of us that are true conservatives realize that we will never fix the future of the American economy without paring down Federal Government control and spending to minimize its intrusion into our lives and pocketbooks. The American people cannot afford it. The Revolutionary War was fought over it. We won’t put up with it.

Few people want to care for those deadbeat friends and family that refuse to care for themselves. Even with the best of reasons and worst sob-stories, someone under any of our watches would have to contribute back in some way. The case for national welfare hits harder at home when individuals begin to pay more. It’s coming. Don’t you worry. It will get worse, I’m afraid, before it gets better. When the cost of living compared to take-home pay gets higher and higher, they will begin to take notice. Many will rally around socialism. It’s ok. Just know that they are lying to you when they say they WANT to pay more. No one wants to pay more. They will just be the ones that want the handout.

The sobering fact is that we flat out cannot afford a national welfare of the levels that we are approaching. Some states are better off and some are worse off. I’m lucky to live in the State of Texas. We didn’t get the housing bubble. Unemployment is low, and, we don’t have a state income tax. If you do end up on unemployment and welfare, the state holds you responsible for getting off of it or you lose it. Recipients are held to such exacting numbers of hours of job hunting out in the real world and in the resource center that it is easier to just get a job than have to deal with it. It is a concept that should be considered nation wide for all doles and bailouts.

Different states have different answers. Texas is doing something right. We’re succeeding, and, we’re a “red state”. Why is it that the “blue states” are the ones that are in such fiscal turmoil? I think it is due to the number of handouts coupled with waste. Give someone $5 and they are bound to ask again and again.

This is our chance to begin to challenge our liberal friends to defend their positions. There will come a point when blaming Bush will no longer be a viable excuse. It won’t be soon, but, it’s coming. We just have to be patient, stand our ground, and, use logic. Use the diminishing spending power to point out what true conservatism means, and, show them why we have the values we have been holding on to, out here in the heartland. Show them why we believe so strongly about national defense, and, why we take great pride in “hanging on to our guns and bibles”.

Personally, I learned lots of lessons about wasting money before I finally caught on. My wife says I’m cheap. I prefer frugal. Either way, neither of us goes out and blows through money. We consider purchases through dialog all the time. Every dollar is considered before it is spent. Perhaps the eyes of America won’t be open until we waste every dollar that will ever be made. I’m hoping for not. I’m hoping that we are able to convince those that helped create this opportunity to help solve it.

That is where my own equality in responsibility kicks in. I am doing what I can to talk to people, trade ideas, and, connect. It’s the only way conservatives will win. The left has so many giveaways going on that education is our only real chance. Let them know that there is a better way to live than off the government dole. I wish yelling and screaming at people worked. I’d go yell my head off at everyone I could, but, I know that keeping an even head is the only way that I will make any difference.

So, that is what I am doing. I talk to people. I’ve come across many that agree. Some have disagreed and I appreciate their discourse. It makes me question my values. It opens my eyes to other sides and opinions. I like hearing them.

Me personally, I would go to war to defend Obama’s right to run this country as our President. I have great reverence for the seat that the President takes, no matter who, no matter what. We are Americans. We stand as one when our backs are against the wall. We may get back to squabbling when the battle is over, but that’s our business. Not theirs. Don’t come to our house and try to start a fight, we’re family. No one kicks our @$$, but, us.

THAT is what our enemies are underestimating.

~ by Danny on April 29, 2009.

One Response to “Equality of Responsibility in the Age of Obama”

  1. Hi Friends;

    Raynee here (Aka the Perfect Storm).

    I wrote this letter to the President, and sent it out on June 15th, 2009. The probability that The President will actually read my letter, it is not the type of letter he’s used to receiving. It is not full of kudos or words of worship to the risen “Obama King” (Sorry I‘ll try to temper myself a bit).

    However on the following point I want too be very clear, you can agree or disagree with the statements made in the letter, it is OK to do so! The beauty of our Country is that we have the right to speak freely without the fear of being thrown in prison or having our heads chopped off (For now anyway).

    Every time I look at my Children, I think about their future and how the thing’s that are happening now are going to effect them later in life. Thus the reason I wrote the letter and even if the President may not get the letter, you never know maybe someone in office will! A mayor, or Senator, Governor, (the Janitor)! The point is to get the word out. Basically my word is, “America isn’t sleeping, and our eye’s are watching you Mr. President”.

    America is not perfect, but we have never been in this much of a mess until now. It is so important to voice your opinion. Sometimes our Government forgets whom they work for, so we as their boss need to remind them, the first Amendment of the Bill of Rights says:

    First Amendment:

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    Thank you for taking the time to come by and read the letter and May God Bless you and your family today and always.

    II cor 5:17

    Wednesday, June 15, 2009

    Dear Mr. President;

    Why are you running our Country into the grave, taking over our News stations, Medical Care, the auto industry, Banks? Was this your plan for “Change”? Because Mr. President the only one benefiting from any “change“, is you, the “chosen one“!

    Sir I am not normally such an angry person but you have sparked my frustration because everything you do effects my Children’s future and as with any Mother , no one messes with my kid’s and you sir are trying to do just that! You say you want to hear from the people, well I am one of the “people” and although you may never read this, I have to speak out in the hope that someone in office will.

    Speaking as one of many people who love the United States of America, most agree that we have never seen our Country fall apart so quickly under the watch of a President that does not want to admit to his incapability to run the Country he worked so hard to become President of. Mr. President you only put yourself through more humility by using threats to get whatever law passed you wish. It amazes me that the President who runs our Country would have so little faith in it.

    Mr. President if you really understood what faith in God and Country meant, and then you might begin to understand why the American Spirit is so very strong. For most Americans your continued threats and buyouts do not put fear into our hearts, they only make you look more incompetent and devious. They do no more than further frustrate the People who voted for you. (I am not one of those people).

    Before you came into office, our Country was not perfect, but it was not in however since you moved into the White House, you have done nothing more than dishonor our Country and cause utter chaos, even our allies are not as trusting as they once were with our Country. Acting in proxy for the People of the United States and apologizing for America’s “mistakes”, is a right you did not have without first conferring with the people first!

    Your job is to represent the people, not dictate to them. Every day your actions effect people in this Country. Every time you spend, our money for frivolous thing has and desecrates the memory of our Soldiers. Shake hands with Terrorists, hush the mouth of the press and take jobs away from hard working Americans.

    Eventually you will have to answer for your actions, everyone no matter what their religious beliefs are, has their own judgment day, yours sir will ultimately be the legacy of the most disgraced President ever to serve in the White House.

    Raynee Kremer
    (Christian, not perfect but clean
    Of Farrakon fillers)

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